About the Gateway Approach
Students, teachers, families and the larger community --by working together we build success for all our students. Students are at the center of all our work. By knowing them well and helping them understand themselves and their own learning, teachers can unlock students’ potential. By supporting teachers to become reflective, expert practitioners, schools provide teachers the tools they need to work effectively with students. And by drawing upon the knowledge, support and opportunities in families and the larger community, more students succeed, and every student’s success becomes a community celebration.

Unlocking Student Potential
Students' mastery of non-cognitive and student agency skills promotes self-aware, life-long learners and challenges inequitable educational outcomes. Since our founding, fostering students' self-awareness and growth as learners has been central to our educational practice and philosophy.

Supporting Expert Teaching
High quality educators build high quality schools. Purposeful, programmatic professional development encourages teachers to know themselves as they know their students.
Partnering with Community
Learning outside of schools in the larger community supports and extends learning that occurs inside of schools. Students, teachers, and community members strengthen one another when working together.

Sharing Practices
We seek to learn from other high quality public schools and share our best practices and resources effectively and openly.